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Module wtracker.sim.sim_controllers.polyfit_controller

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import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as poly

from wtracker.sim.config import TimingConfig

from wtracker.sim.simulator import Simulator

from wtracker.sim.sim_controllers.csv_controller import CsvController

from wtracker.utils.bbox_utils import BoxUtils, BoxConverter, BoxFormat

from wtracker.utils.config_base import ConfigBase


class PolyfitConfig(ConfigBase):

    degree: int

    """The degree of the polynomial, which will be fitted to the worm movement."""

    sample_times: list[int]

    """Times at which the worm position is be sampled for the polynomial fit.

    Time 0 denotes the beginning of the current cycle. Negative values are allowed."""

    weights: list[float] = None

    """Weights for each position sample for the polynomial fit. If None, all weights are set to 1.0.

    If the weights are not uniform, weighted polynomial fit is performed,

    where the residuals of samples with higher weights are more important for the fitting."""

    def __post_init__(self):

        self.sample_times = sorted(self.sample_times)

        if self.weights is None:

            self.weights = [1.0 for _ in self.sample_times]

        assert len(self.sample_times) == len(self.weights)

class PolyfitController(CsvController):

    def __init__(


        timing_config: TimingConfig,

        polyfit_config: PolyfitConfig,

        csv_path: str,

    ) -> None:



            timing_config (TimingConfig): The timing configuration of the simulation.

            csv_path (str): The path to the csv file with the worm data.

            polyfit_config (PolyfitConfig): The configuration for the polynomial fit.


        super().__init__(timing_config, csv_path)

        self.polyfit_config = polyfit_config

        self._sample_times = np.asanyarray(polyfit_config.sample_times, dtype=int)

        self._weights = np.asanyarray(polyfit_config.weights, dtype=float)

    def provide_movement_vector(self, sim: Simulator) -> tuple[int, int]:

        timing = self.timing_config

        config = self.polyfit_config

        bboxes = self.predict(sim.cycle_number * timing.cycle_frame_num + self._sample_times, relative=False)

        # make all bboxes relative to current camera view

        camera_bbox = sim.view.camera_position

        bboxes[:, 0] -= camera_bbox[0]

        bboxes[:, 1] -= camera_bbox[1]

        positions =

        mask = np.isfinite(positions).all(axis=1)

        time = self._sample_times[mask]

        positions = positions[mask]

        weights = self._weights[mask]

        if len(time) == 0:

            return 0, 0

        # predict future x and future y based on the fitted polynomial

        coeffs = poly.polyfit(time, positions,, w=weights)

        x_pred, y_pred = poly.polyval(timing.cycle_frame_num + timing.imaging_frame_num // 2, coeffs)

        # calculate camera correction based on the speed of the worm and current worm position

        camera_mid = sim.view.camera_size[0] / 2, sim.view.camera_size[1] / 2

        dx = round(x_pred - camera_mid[0])

        dy = round(y_pred - camera_mid[1])

        return dx, dy

class WeightEvaluator:


    Class for evaluating the mean absolute error (MAE) of a polynomial fit with given weights.


        csv_paths (list[str]): The paths to the csv files with the worm data.

        timing_config (TimingConfig): The timing configuration of the simulation.

        input_time_offsets (np.ndarray): The time offsets for the input positions.

            These offsets are calculated from the beginning of the current cycle.

            The begging of the current cycle is considered as time 0.

        pred_time_offset (int): The time offset for the target position from the beginning of the current cycle.

            This time offset is calculated from the beginning of the current cycle.

            The begging of the current cycle is considered as time 0.

        min_speed (float, optional): The minimum speed of the worm for a cycle to be considered.

        max_speed (float, optional): The maximum speed of the worm for a cycle to be considered.


    def __init__(


        csv_paths: list[str],

        timing_config: TimingConfig,

        input_time_offsets: np.ndarray,

        pred_time_offset: int,

        min_speed: float = 0,

        max_speed: float = np.inf,


        self.csv_paths = csv_paths

        self.timing_config = timing_config

        self.pred_time_offset = pred_time_offset

        self.min_speed = min_speed

        self.max_speed = max_speed

        self.input_time_offsets = np.sort(input_time_offsets)


    def _construct_dataset(self) -> None:

        input_positions = []

        target_positions = []

        for i, path in enumerate(self.csv_paths):

            bboxes = pd.read_csv(path, usecols=["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]).to_numpy(dtype=float)

            input_pos, target_pos = self._extract_positions(bboxes, self.timing_config.cycle_frame_num)



            # print stats

            init_num_cycles = len(bboxes) // self.timing_config.cycle_frame_num

            final_num_cycles = len(target_pos) // 2

            removed_percent = round((init_num_cycles - final_num_cycles) / init_num_cycles * 100, 1)

            print(f"Log {i} :: Number of evaluation cycles: {final_num_cycles}")

            print(f"Log {i} :: Number of cycles removed: {init_num_cycles - final_num_cycles} ({removed_percent} %)")

        self.y_input = np.concatenate(input_positions, axis=1)

        self.x_input = self.input_time_offsets.reshape(-1)

        self.y_target = np.concatenate(target_positions, axis=0)

        self.x_target = np.full_like(self.y_target, self.pred_time_offset)

    def _extract_positions(self, raw_bboxes: pd.DataFrame, cycle_length: int) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

        N = self.input_time_offsets.shape[0]

        cycle_starts = np.arange(0, raw_bboxes.shape[0], cycle_length, dtype=int)

        centers =

        # x are times, y are positions

        # create input and target arrays for the times

        x_input = np.repeat(cycle_starts, repeats=N) + np.tile(self.input_time_offsets, reps=cycle_starts.shape[0])

        x_input = x_input.reshape(-1, N)

        x_target = cycle_starts + self.pred_time_offset

        # remove input and target cycles with invalid time

        # i.e. when input time is negative or target time is out of bounds

        mask = (x_input >= 0).all(axis=1) & (x_target < len(centers))

        x_input = x_input[mask, :]

        x_target = x_target[mask]

        # get input and target positions for each cycle

        y_input = centers[x_input.flatten(), :]

        y_input = y_input.reshape(-1, N, 2)

        y_target = centers[x_target.flatten(), :]

        y_target = y_target.reshape(-1, 2)

        # remove all cycles with invalid positions

        input_mask = np.isfinite(y_input).all(axis=(1, 2))

        target_mask = np.isfinite(y_target).all(axis=1)

        mask = input_mask & target_mask

        y_input = y_input[mask, :, :]

        y_target = y_target[mask, :]

        # remove cycles with average speed below threshold

        # dist = np.sqrt((y_target[:, 1] - y_input[:, 0, 1]) ** 2 + (y_target[:, 0] - y_input[:, 0, 0]) ** 2)

        dist = np.linalg.norm(y_target - y_input[:, 0, :], axis=1)

        time = self.pred_time_offset - self.input_time_offsets[0]

        speed = dist / time

        speed_mask = (speed >= self.min_speed) & (speed <= self.max_speed)

        y_input = y_input[speed_mask, :, :]

        y_target = y_target[speed_mask, :]

        # reshape target arrays

        y_input = y_input.swapaxes(0, 1).reshape(N, -1)

        y_target = y_target.reshape(-1)

        return y_input, y_target

    def _polyval(self, coeffs: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:


        Evaluate a polynomial at given values.

        This implementation is way faster than np.polyval for multiple polynomials.


            coeffs (np.ndarray): Coefficients of the polynomial. Coefficients at increasing order. Should have shape [deg+1, N].

            x (np.ndarray): Values at which to evaluate the polynomial. Should have shape [N].


            np.ndarray: The result of evaluating the polynomial at the given values. Shape is [N].


        coeffs = coeffs.swapaxes(0, 1)

        van = np.vander(x, N=coeffs.shape[1], increasing=True)

        return np.sum(van * coeffs, axis=-1)

    def eval(self, weights: np.ndarray, deg: int = 2) -> float:


        Evaluate the mean absolute error (MAE) of the polynomial fit.


            weights (np.ndarray): The weights used for the polynomial fit. Should have shape [N].

            deg (int, optional): The degree of the polynomial fit.


            float: The mean absolute error (MAE) of the polynomial fit.


        coeffs = poly.polyfit(self.x_input, self.y_input, deg=deg, w=weights)

        y_pred = self._polyval(coeffs, self.x_target)

        mae = np.mean(np.abs(self.y_target - y_pred))

        return mae



class PolyfitConfig(
    degree: int,
    sample_times: list[int],
    weights: list[float] = None

PolyfitConfig(degree: int, sample_times: list[int], weights: list[float] = None)

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class PolyfitConfig(ConfigBase):

    degree: int

    """The degree of the polynomial, which will be fitted to the worm movement."""

    sample_times: list[int]

    """Times at which the worm position is be sampled for the polynomial fit.

    Time 0 denotes the beginning of the current cycle. Negative values are allowed."""

    weights: list[float] = None

    """Weights for each position sample for the polynomial fit. If None, all weights are set to 1.0.

    If the weights are not uniform, weighted polynomial fit is performed,

    where the residuals of samples with higher weights are more important for the fitting."""

    def __post_init__(self):

        self.sample_times = sorted(self.sample_times)

        if self.weights is None:

            self.weights = [1.0 for _ in self.sample_times]

        assert len(self.sample_times) == len(self.weights)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • wtracker.utils.config_base.ConfigBase

Class variables


Static methods


def load_json(
    path: 'str' = None
) -> 'T'

Load the class from a JSON file.


Name Type Description Default
path str The path to the JSON file. None


Type Description
ConfigBase The class loaded from the JSON file.
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    def load_json(cls: type[T], path: str = None) -> T:


        Load the class from a JSON file.


            path (str): The path to the JSON file.


            ConfigBase: The class loaded from the JSON file.


        if path is None:

            path = UserPrompt.open_file(

                title=f"Open {cls.__name__} File",

                file_types=[("json", ".json")],


        with open(path, "r") as f:

            data = json.load(f)

        obj = cls.__new__(cls)


        return obj


def load_pickle(
    path: 'str' = None
) -> 'T'

Load the class from a pickle file.


Name Type Description Default
path str The path to the pickle file. None


Type Description
None The class loaded from the pickle file.
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    def load_pickle(cls: type[T], path: str = None) -> T:


        Load the class from a pickle file.


            path (str): The path to the pickle file.


            The class loaded from the pickle file.


        if path is None:

            path = UserPrompt.open_file(

                title=f"Open {cls.__name__} File",

                file_types=[("pickle", ".pkl")],


        return pickle_load_object(path)



def save_json(
    path: 'str' = None

Saves the class as JSON file.


Name Type Description Default
path str The path to the output JSON file. None
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    def save_json(self, path: str = None):


        Saves the class as JSON file.


            path (str): The path to the output JSON file.


        if path is None:

            path = UserPrompt.save_file(

                title=f"Save {type(self).__name__} As",

                file_types=[("json", ".json")],



        with open(path, "w") as f:

            json.dump(self.__dict__, f, indent=4)


def save_pickle(
    path: 'str' = None
) -> 'None'

Saves the class as a pickle file.


Name Type Description Default
path str The path to the output pickle file. None
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    def save_pickle(self, path: str = None) -> None:


        Saves the class as a pickle file.


            path (str): The path to the output pickle file.


        if path is None:

            path = UserPrompt.save_file(

                title=f"Save {type(self).__name__} As",

                file_types=[("pickle", ".pkl")],



        pickle_save_object(self, path)


class PolyfitController(
    timing_config: wtracker.sim.config.TimingConfig,
    polyfit_config: wtracker.sim.sim_controllers.polyfit_controller.PolyfitConfig,
    csv_path: str

Abstract base class for simulator controllers.


Name Type Description Default
timing_config TimingConfig The timing configuration for the simulator. None
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class PolyfitController(CsvController):

    def __init__(


        timing_config: TimingConfig,

        polyfit_config: PolyfitConfig,

        csv_path: str,

    ) -> None:



            timing_config (TimingConfig): The timing configuration of the simulation.

            csv_path (str): The path to the csv file with the worm data.

            polyfit_config (PolyfitConfig): The configuration for the polynomial fit.


        super().__init__(timing_config, csv_path)

        self.polyfit_config = polyfit_config

        self._sample_times = np.asanyarray(polyfit_config.sample_times, dtype=int)

        self._weights = np.asanyarray(polyfit_config.weights, dtype=float)

    def provide_movement_vector(self, sim: Simulator) -> tuple[int, int]:

        timing = self.timing_config

        config = self.polyfit_config

        bboxes = self.predict(sim.cycle_number * timing.cycle_frame_num + self._sample_times, relative=False)

        # make all bboxes relative to current camera view

        camera_bbox = sim.view.camera_position

        bboxes[:, 0] -= camera_bbox[0]

        bboxes[:, 1] -= camera_bbox[1]

        positions =

        mask = np.isfinite(positions).all(axis=1)

        time = self._sample_times[mask]

        positions = positions[mask]

        weights = self._weights[mask]

        if len(time) == 0:

            return 0, 0

        # predict future x and future y based on the fitted polynomial

        coeffs = poly.polyfit(time, positions,, w=weights)

        x_pred, y_pred = poly.polyval(timing.cycle_frame_num + timing.imaging_frame_num // 2, coeffs)

        # calculate camera correction based on the speed of the worm and current worm position

        camera_mid = sim.view.camera_size[0] / 2, sim.view.camera_size[1] / 2

        dx = round(x_pred - camera_mid[0])

        dy = round(y_pred - camera_mid[1])

        return dx, dy

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • wtracker.sim.sim_controllers.csv_controller.CsvController
  • wtracker.sim.simulator.SimController
  • abc.ABC



def begin_movement_prediction(
    sim: wtracker.sim.simulator.Simulator
) -> None

Called when the movement prediction begins.

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    def begin_movement_prediction(self, sim: Simulator) -> None:



def on_camera_frame(
    sim: wtracker.sim.simulator.Simulator

Called when a camera frame is captured. Happens every frame.

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    def on_camera_frame(self, sim: Simulator):



def on_cycle_end(
    sim: 'Simulator'

Called when a cycle ends.

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    def on_cycle_end(self, sim: Simulator):


        Called when a cycle ends.




def on_cycle_start(
    sim: 'Simulator'

Called when a new cycle starts.

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    def on_cycle_start(self, sim: Simulator):


        Called when a new cycle starts.




def on_imaging_end(
    sim: 'Simulator'

Called when imaging phase ends.

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    def on_imaging_end(self, sim: Simulator):


        Called when imaging phase ends.




def on_imaging_start(
    sim: 'Simulator'

Called when imaging phase starts.

View Source
    def on_imaging_start(self, sim: Simulator):


        Called when imaging phase starts.




def on_micro_frame(
    sim: 'Simulator'

Called when a micro frame is captured. Happens for every during the imaging phase.

View Source
    def on_micro_frame(self, sim: Simulator):


        Called when a micro frame is captured. Happens for every during the imaging phase.




def on_movement_end(
    sim: 'Simulator'

Called when movement phase ends.

View Source
    def on_movement_end(self, sim: Simulator):


        Called when movement phase ends.




def on_movement_start(
    sim: 'Simulator'

Called when movement phase starts.

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    def on_movement_start(self, sim: Simulator):


        Called when movement phase starts.




def on_sim_end(
    sim: 'Simulator'

Called when the simulation ends.

View Source
    def on_sim_end(self, sim: Simulator):


        Called when the simulation ends.




def on_sim_start(
    sim: wtracker.sim.simulator.Simulator

Called when the simulation starts.

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    def on_sim_start(self, sim: Simulator):



def predict(
    frame_nums: Collection[int],
    relative: bool = True
) -> numpy.ndarray
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    def predict(self, frame_nums: Collection[int], relative: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:

        assert len(frame_nums) > 0

        frame_nums = np.asanyarray(frame_nums, dtype=int)

        valid_mask = (frame_nums >= 0) & (frame_nums < self._csv_data.shape[0])

        worm_bboxes = np.full((frame_nums.shape[0], 4), np.nan)

        worm_bboxes[valid_mask] = self._csv_data[frame_nums[valid_mask], :]

        if not relative:

            return worm_bboxes

        # TODO: if relative == True then it works only if frame number if within the last cycle.

        # maybe fix that.

        cam_bboxes = [self._camera_bboxes[n % self.timing_config.cycle_frame_num] for n in frame_nums]

        cam_bboxes = np.asanyarray(cam_bboxes, dtype=float)

        # make bbox relative to camera view

        worm_bboxes[:, 0] -= cam_bboxes[:, 0]

        worm_bboxes[:, 1] -= cam_bboxes[:, 1]

        return worm_bboxes


def provide_movement_vector(
    sim: wtracker.sim.simulator.Simulator
) -> tuple[int, int]

Provides the movement vector for the simulator. The platform is moved by the provided vector.


Type Description
tuple[int, int] The movement vector in format (dx, dy).
The platform will be moved by dx pixels in the x-direction and dy pixels in the y-direction.
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    def provide_movement_vector(self, sim: Simulator) -> tuple[int, int]:

        timing = self.timing_config

        config = self.polyfit_config

        bboxes = self.predict(sim.cycle_number * timing.cycle_frame_num + self._sample_times, relative=False)

        # make all bboxes relative to current camera view

        camera_bbox = sim.view.camera_position

        bboxes[:, 0] -= camera_bbox[0]

        bboxes[:, 1] -= camera_bbox[1]

        positions =

        mask = np.isfinite(positions).all(axis=1)

        time = self._sample_times[mask]

        positions = positions[mask]

        weights = self._weights[mask]

        if len(time) == 0:

            return 0, 0

        # predict future x and future y based on the fitted polynomial

        coeffs = poly.polyfit(time, positions,, w=weights)

        x_pred, y_pred = poly.polyval(timing.cycle_frame_num + timing.imaging_frame_num // 2, coeffs)

        # calculate camera correction based on the speed of the worm and current worm position

        camera_mid = sim.view.camera_size[0] / 2, sim.view.camera_size[1] / 2

        dx = round(x_pred - camera_mid[0])

        dy = round(y_pred - camera_mid[1])

        return dx, dy


class WeightEvaluator(
    csv_paths: list[str],
    timing_config: wtracker.sim.config.TimingConfig,
    input_time_offsets: numpy.ndarray,
    pred_time_offset: int,
    min_speed: float = 0,
    max_speed: float = inf

Class for evaluating the mean absolute error (MAE) of a polynomial fit with given weights.


Name Type Description Default
csv_paths list[str] The paths to the csv files with the worm data. None
timing_config TimingConfig The timing configuration of the simulation. None
input_time_offsets np.ndarray The time offsets for the input positions.
These offsets are calculated from the beginning of the current cycle.
The begging of the current cycle is considered as time 0.
pred_time_offset int The time offset for the target position from the beginning of the current cycle.
This time offset is calculated from the beginning of the current cycle.
The begging of the current cycle is considered as time 0.
min_speed float The minimum speed of the worm for a cycle to be considered. None
max_speed float The maximum speed of the worm for a cycle to be considered. None
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class WeightEvaluator:


    Class for evaluating the mean absolute error (MAE) of a polynomial fit with given weights.


        csv_paths (list[str]): The paths to the csv files with the worm data.

        timing_config (TimingConfig): The timing configuration of the simulation.

        input_time_offsets (np.ndarray): The time offsets for the input positions.

            These offsets are calculated from the beginning of the current cycle.

            The begging of the current cycle is considered as time 0.

        pred_time_offset (int): The time offset for the target position from the beginning of the current cycle.

            This time offset is calculated from the beginning of the current cycle.

            The begging of the current cycle is considered as time 0.

        min_speed (float, optional): The minimum speed of the worm for a cycle to be considered.

        max_speed (float, optional): The maximum speed of the worm for a cycle to be considered.


    def __init__(


        csv_paths: list[str],

        timing_config: TimingConfig,

        input_time_offsets: np.ndarray,

        pred_time_offset: int,

        min_speed: float = 0,

        max_speed: float = np.inf,


        self.csv_paths = csv_paths

        self.timing_config = timing_config

        self.pred_time_offset = pred_time_offset

        self.min_speed = min_speed

        self.max_speed = max_speed

        self.input_time_offsets = np.sort(input_time_offsets)


    def _construct_dataset(self) -> None:

        input_positions = []

        target_positions = []

        for i, path in enumerate(self.csv_paths):

            bboxes = pd.read_csv(path, usecols=["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]).to_numpy(dtype=float)

            input_pos, target_pos = self._extract_positions(bboxes, self.timing_config.cycle_frame_num)



            # print stats

            init_num_cycles = len(bboxes) // self.timing_config.cycle_frame_num

            final_num_cycles = len(target_pos) // 2

            removed_percent = round((init_num_cycles - final_num_cycles) / init_num_cycles * 100, 1)

            print(f"Log {i} :: Number of evaluation cycles: {final_num_cycles}")

            print(f"Log {i} :: Number of cycles removed: {init_num_cycles - final_num_cycles} ({removed_percent} %)")

        self.y_input = np.concatenate(input_positions, axis=1)

        self.x_input = self.input_time_offsets.reshape(-1)

        self.y_target = np.concatenate(target_positions, axis=0)

        self.x_target = np.full_like(self.y_target, self.pred_time_offset)

    def _extract_positions(self, raw_bboxes: pd.DataFrame, cycle_length: int) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

        N = self.input_time_offsets.shape[0]

        cycle_starts = np.arange(0, raw_bboxes.shape[0], cycle_length, dtype=int)

        centers =

        # x are times, y are positions

        # create input and target arrays for the times

        x_input = np.repeat(cycle_starts, repeats=N) + np.tile(self.input_time_offsets, reps=cycle_starts.shape[0])

        x_input = x_input.reshape(-1, N)

        x_target = cycle_starts + self.pred_time_offset

        # remove input and target cycles with invalid time

        # i.e. when input time is negative or target time is out of bounds

        mask = (x_input >= 0).all(axis=1) & (x_target < len(centers))

        x_input = x_input[mask, :]

        x_target = x_target[mask]

        # get input and target positions for each cycle

        y_input = centers[x_input.flatten(), :]

        y_input = y_input.reshape(-1, N, 2)

        y_target = centers[x_target.flatten(), :]

        y_target = y_target.reshape(-1, 2)

        # remove all cycles with invalid positions

        input_mask = np.isfinite(y_input).all(axis=(1, 2))

        target_mask = np.isfinite(y_target).all(axis=1)

        mask = input_mask & target_mask

        y_input = y_input[mask, :, :]

        y_target = y_target[mask, :]

        # remove cycles with average speed below threshold

        # dist = np.sqrt((y_target[:, 1] - y_input[:, 0, 1]) ** 2 + (y_target[:, 0] - y_input[:, 0, 0]) ** 2)

        dist = np.linalg.norm(y_target - y_input[:, 0, :], axis=1)

        time = self.pred_time_offset - self.input_time_offsets[0]

        speed = dist / time

        speed_mask = (speed >= self.min_speed) & (speed <= self.max_speed)

        y_input = y_input[speed_mask, :, :]

        y_target = y_target[speed_mask, :]

        # reshape target arrays

        y_input = y_input.swapaxes(0, 1).reshape(N, -1)

        y_target = y_target.reshape(-1)

        return y_input, y_target

    def _polyval(self, coeffs: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:


        Evaluate a polynomial at given values.

        This implementation is way faster than np.polyval for multiple polynomials.


            coeffs (np.ndarray): Coefficients of the polynomial. Coefficients at increasing order. Should have shape [deg+1, N].

            x (np.ndarray): Values at which to evaluate the polynomial. Should have shape [N].


            np.ndarray: The result of evaluating the polynomial at the given values. Shape is [N].


        coeffs = coeffs.swapaxes(0, 1)

        van = np.vander(x, N=coeffs.shape[1], increasing=True)

        return np.sum(van * coeffs, axis=-1)

    def eval(self, weights: np.ndarray, deg: int = 2) -> float:


        Evaluate the mean absolute error (MAE) of the polynomial fit.


            weights (np.ndarray): The weights used for the polynomial fit. Should have shape [N].

            deg (int, optional): The degree of the polynomial fit.


            float: The mean absolute error (MAE) of the polynomial fit.


        coeffs = poly.polyfit(self.x_input, self.y_input, deg=deg, w=weights)

        y_pred = self._polyval(coeffs, self.x_target)

        mae = np.mean(np.abs(self.y_target - y_pred))

        return mae



def eval(
    weights: numpy.ndarray,
    deg: int = 2
) -> float

Evaluate the mean absolute error (MAE) of the polynomial fit.


Name Type Description Default
weights np.ndarray The weights used for the polynomial fit. Should have shape [N]. None
deg int The degree of the polynomial fit. None


Type Description
float The mean absolute error (MAE) of the polynomial fit.
View Source
    def eval(self, weights: np.ndarray, deg: int = 2) -> float:


        Evaluate the mean absolute error (MAE) of the polynomial fit.


            weights (np.ndarray): The weights used for the polynomial fit. Should have shape [N].

            deg (int, optional): The degree of the polynomial fit.


            float: The mean absolute error (MAE) of the polynomial fit.


        coeffs = poly.polyfit(self.x_input, self.y_input, deg=deg, w=weights)

        y_pred = self._polyval(coeffs, self.x_target)

        mae = np.mean(np.abs(self.y_target - y_pred))

        return mae