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Module wtracker.eval.data_analyzer

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from __future__ import annotations

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

import tqdm.contrib.concurrent as concurrent

from wtracker.sim.config import TimingConfig

from wtracker.eval.error_calculator import ErrorCalculator

from wtracker.utils.frame_reader import FrameReader

from wtracker.utils.threading_utils import adjust_num_workers

class DataAnalyzer:


    A class for analyzing simulation log.


        time_config (TimingConfig): The timing configuration.

        log_path (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe containing the simulation log data.


    def __init__(


        time_config: TimingConfig,

        log_data: pd.DataFrame,


        self.time_config = time_config = log_data.copy()

        self._orig_data = log_data

        self._unit = "frame"


    def unit(self) -> str:

        return self._unit

    def save(self, path: str) -> None:


        Save the full analyzed data to a csv file.


        self._orig_data.to_csv(path, index=False)


    def load(time_config: TimingConfig, csv_path: str) -> DataAnalyzer:


        Create a DataAnalyzer object from a csv file containing experiment data,

        regardless whether if it's analyzed or not.


            time_config (TimingConfig): The timing configuration.

            csv_path (str): Path to the csv file containing the experiment data.


        data = pd.read_csv(csv_path)

        return DataAnalyzer(time_config, data)

    def initialize(self, period: int = 10):


        Initializes the data analyzer.

        It's essential to call this function if the class was created from a non-analyzed log data.


            period (int): The period for calculating speed in frames.

                The speed is calculated by measuring the distance between current frame and period frames before.


        data = self._orig_data

        data["time"] = data["frame"]

        data["cycle_step"] = data["frame"] % self.time_config.cycle_frame_num

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_centers(data)

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_speed(data, period)

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_worm_deviation(data)

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_errors(data)

        data = data.round(5)

        self._orig_data = data = self._orig_data.copy()


    def _calc_centers(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

        data["wrm_center_x"] = data["wrm_x"] + data["wrm_w"] / 2

        data["wrm_center_y"] = data["wrm_y"] + data["wrm_h"] / 2

        data["mic_center_x"] = data["mic_x"] + data["mic_w"] / 2

        data["mic_center_y"] = data["mic_y"] + data["mic_h"] / 2

        return data


    def _calc_speed(data: pd.DataFrame, n: int) -> pd.DataFrame:

        diff = data["time"].diff(n).to_numpy()

        data["wrm_speed_x"] = data["wrm_center_x"].diff(n) / diff

        data["wrm_speed_y"] = data["wrm_center_y"].diff(n) / diff

        data["wrm_speed"] = np.sqrt(data["wrm_speed_x"] ** 2 + data["wrm_speed_y"] ** 2)

        return data


    def _calc_worm_deviation(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

        data["worm_deviation_x"] = data["wrm_center_x"] - data["mic_center_x"]

        data["worm_deviation_y"] = data["wrm_center_y"] - data["mic_center_y"]

        data["worm_deviation"] = np.sqrt(data["worm_deviation_x"] ** 2 + data["worm_deviation_y"] ** 2)

        return data


    def _calc_errors(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

        wrm_bboxes = data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()

        mic_bboxes = data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]].to_numpy()

        bbox_error = ErrorCalculator.calculate_bbox_error(wrm_bboxes, mic_bboxes)

        data["bbox_error"] = bbox_error

        data["precise_error"] = np.nan

        return data

    def remove_cycle(self, cycles: int | list[int]):


        Remove the specified cycles from the data.


            cycles (int | list[int]): The cycle(s) to remove from the data.


        if isinstance(cycles, int):

            cycles = [cycles]

        mask =["cycle"].isin(cycles) =[~mask]

    def clean(


        trim_cycles: bool = False,

        imaging_only: bool = False,

        bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float] = None,

    ) -> None:


        Clean the data by the provided parameters.


            trim_cycles (bool): whether to remove the first and the last cycles from the data.

            imaging_only (bool): Flag indicating whether to include only imaging phases in the analysis.

            legal_bounds (tuple[float, float, float, float]): The legal bounds for worm movement.


        data =

        if imaging_only:

            mask = data["phase"] == "imaging"

            data = data[mask]

        if bounds is not None:

            has_pred = np.isfinite(data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()).all(axis=1)

            mask_wrm = has_pred  # if there is a prediction for a frame then look at worm bbox

            mask_wrm &= (data["wrm_x"] >= bounds[0]) & (data["wrm_x"] + data["wrm_w"] <= bounds[2])

            mask_wrm &= (data["wrm_y"] >= bounds[1]) & (data["wrm_y"] + data["wrm_h"] <= bounds[3])

            mask_mic = ~has_pred  # if there is no prediction for a frame then look at micro bbox

            mask_mic &= (data["mic_x"] >= bounds[0]) & (data["mic_x"] + data["mic_w"] <= bounds[2])

            mask_mic &= (data["mic_y"] >= bounds[1]) & (data["mic_y"] + data["mic_h"] <= bounds[3])

            data = data[mask_wrm | mask_mic]

        if trim_cycles:

            mask = data["cycle"] != 0

            mask &= data["cycle"] != data["cycle"].max()

            data = data[mask] = data

    def reset_changes(self):


        Reset the data to its original state.

        Note, that this method will not reset the unit of time and distance.

        """ = self._orig_data.copy()

        self._unit = "frame"

    def column_names(self) -> list[str]:


        Returns a list of all column names in the analyzed data.


            list[str]: A list of column names.



    def change_unit(self, unit: str):


        Changes the unit of time and distance in the data.


            unit (str, optional): The new unit of time to convert into. Can be "frame" or "sec".

                If "sec" is chosen, the time will be converted to seconds, and the distance metric is micrometer.

                If "frame" is chosen, the time will be in frames, and the distance metric is pixels.


        assert unit in ["frame", "sec"]

        if self._unit == unit:


        data =

        if unit == "sec":  # frame -> sec

            dist_factor = self.time_config.mm_per_px * 1000

            time_factor = self.time_config.ms_per_frame / 1000

        if unit == "frame":  # sec -> frame

            dist_factor = self.time_config.px_per_mm / 1000

            time_factor = self.time_config.frames_per_sec

        data["time"] *= time_factor

        data[["plt_x", "plt_y"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["cam_x", "cam_y", "cam_w", "cam_h"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["wrm_center_x", "wrm_center_y"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["mic_center_x", "mic_center_y"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["worm_deviation_x", "worm_deviation_y", "worm_deviation"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["wrm_speed_x", "wrm_speed_y", "wrm_speed"]] *= dist_factor / time_factor

        self._unit = unit = data

    # TODO: TEST

    # TODO: MAYBE REMOVE, THE non-multithreaded version works very fast for me for some reason

    # perhaps SSD is required for fast analysis.

    def calc_precise_error_experimental(


        worm_reader: FrameReader,

        background: np.ndarray,


        num_workers: int = None,

        chunk_size: int = 2000,

    ) -> None:


        Calculate the precise error between the worm and the microscope view.

        This error is segmentation based, and measures the proportion of worm's head that is

        outside of the view of the microscope. Note that this calculation might take a while.


            worm_reader (FrameReader): Images of the worm at each frame, cropped to the size of the bounding box

                which was detected around the worm.

            background (np.ndarray): The background image of the entire experiment.

            diff_thresh (int): Difference threshold to differentiate between the background and foreground.

                A foreground object is detected if the pixel value difference with the background is greater than this threshold.

            num_workers (int, optional): The number of workers to use for parallel processing.

                If None, the number of workers is determined automatically.

            chunk_size (int, optional): The size of each processing chunk.


        frames = self._orig_data["frame"].to_numpy().astype(int, copy=False)

        wrm_bboxes = self._orig_data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()

        mic_bboxes = self._orig_data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]].to_numpy()

        errors = np.ones_like(frames, dtype=float)

        mask = np.isfinite(wrm_bboxes).all(axis=1)

        wrm_bboxes = wrm_bboxes[mask]

        mic_bboxes = mic_bboxes[mask]

        frames = frames[mask]

        num_sections = len(frames) // chunk_size

        wrm_bboxes_list = np.array_split(wrm_bboxes, num_sections, axis=0)

        mic_bboxes_list = np.array_split(mic_bboxes, num_sections, axis=0)

        frames_list = np.array_split(frames, num_sections)

        # TODO: add non-multithreaded case whenever num_workers=0

        num_workers = adjust_num_workers(len(frames), chunk_size, num_workers)

        def calc_error(idx: int) -> np.ndarray:

            return ErrorCalculator.calculate_precise(








        results = concurrent.thread_map(





            desc="Extracting bboxes",




        # set the error in the original data

        errors[mask] = np.concatenate(results)

        self._orig_data["precise_error"] = errors

        # copy relevant error entries into the work data

        idx =["frame"].to_numpy(dtype=int, copy=False)["precise_error"] = errors[idx]

    def calc_precise_error(


        worm_reader: FrameReader,

        background: np.ndarray,


    ) -> None:


        Calculate the precise error between the worm and the microscope view.

        This error is segmentation based, and measures the proportion of worm's head that is

        outside of the view of the microscope. Note that this calculation might take a while.


            worm_reader (FrameReader): Images of the worm at each frame, cropped to the size of the bounding box

                which was detected around the worm.

            background (np.ndarray): The background image of the entire experiment.

            diff_thresh (int): Difference threshold to differentiate between the background and foreground.

                A foreground object is detected if the pixel value difference with the background is greater than this threshold.


        frames = self._orig_data["frame"].to_numpy().astype(np.int32, copy=False)

        wrm_bboxes = self._orig_data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()

        mic_bboxes = self._orig_data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]].to_numpy()

        errors = ErrorCalculator.calculate_precise(








        self._orig_data["precise_error"] = errors

        # copy relevant error entries into the work data

        idx =["frame"].to_numpy(dtype=int, copy=False)["precise_error"] = errors[idx]

    def calc_anomalies(


        no_preds: bool = True,

        min_bbox_error: float = np.inf,

        min_dist_error: float = np.inf,

        min_speed: float = np.inf,

        min_size: float = np.inf,

        remove_anomalies: bool = False,

    ) -> pd.DataFrame:


        Calculate anomalies in the data based on specified criteria.


            no_preds (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to consider instances with missing predictions.

            min_bbox_error (float, optional): Minimum bounding box error threshold to consider as anomaly.

            min_dist_error (float, optional): Minimum distance error threshold to consider as anomaly.

            min_speed (float, optional): Minimum speed threshold to consider as anomaly.

            min_size (float, optional): Minimum size threshold to consider as anomaly.

            remove_anomalies (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to remove the anomalies from the data.


            pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the anomalies found in the data.


        data =

        mask_speed = data["wrm_speed"] >= min_speed

        mask_bbox_error = data["bbox_error"] >= min_bbox_error

        mask_dist_error = data["worm_deviation"] >= min_dist_error

        mask_worm_width = data["wrm_w"] >= min_size

        mask_worm_height = data["wrm_h"] >= min_size

        mask_no_preds = np.isfinite(data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()).all(axis=1) == False

        mask_no_preds = no_preds & mask_no_preds

        mask = mask_speed | mask_bbox_error | mask_dist_error | mask_worm_width | mask_worm_height | mask_no_preds

        anomalies = data[mask].copy()

        anomalies["speed_anomaly"] = mask_speed[mask]

        anomalies["bbox_error_anomaly"] = mask_bbox_error[mask]

        anomalies["dist_error_anomaly"] = mask_dist_error[mask]

        anomalies["width_anomaly"] = mask_worm_width[mask]

        anomalies["height_anomaly"] = mask_worm_height[mask]

        anomalies["no_pred_anomaly"] = mask_no_preds[mask]

        if remove_anomalies:


        return anomalies

    def describe(self, columns: list[str] = None, num: int = 3, percentiles: list[float] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:


        Generate descriptive statistics of the specified columns in the table containing the data.


            columns (list[str], optional): List of column names to include in the analysis. If None, all columns will be included.

            num (int, optional): Number of evenly spaced percentiles to include in the analysis. If percentiles is not None, this parameter is ignored.

            percentiles (list[float], optional): List of specific percentiles to include in the analysis. If None, evenly spaced percentiles will be used.


            pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the descriptive statistics of the specified columns.


        if columns is None:

            columns = self.column_names()

        if percentiles is None:

            percentiles = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1.0, num=num + 2)[1:-1]


    def print_stats(self) -> None:


        Prints various statistics related to the data.

        This method calculates and prints the following statistics:

        - Count of Removed Frames: The number of frames that were removed from the original data.

        - Total Count of No Pred Frames: The number of frames where the predictions are missing.

        - Total Num of Cycles: The number of unique cycles in the data.

        - Non Perfect Predictions: The percentage of predictions that are not perfect.


        num_removed = len(self._orig_data.index) - len(

        print(f"Count of Removed Frames: {num_removed} ({round(100 * num_removed / len(self._orig_data.index), 3)}%)")

        no_preds =[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].isna().any(axis=1).sum()

        print(f"Count of No-Pred Frames: {no_preds} ({round(100 * no_preds / len(, 3)}%)")

        num_cycles =["cycle"].nunique()

        print(f"Total Num of Cycles: {num_cycles}")

        non_perfect = (["bbox_error"] > 1e-7).sum() / len(

        print(f"Non Perfect Predictions: {round(100 * non_perfect, 3)}%")



class DataAnalyzer(
    time_config: 'TimingConfig',
    log_data: 'pd.DataFrame'

A class for analyzing simulation log.


Name Type Description Default
time_config TimingConfig The timing configuration. None
log_path pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the simulation log data. None
View Source
class DataAnalyzer:


    A class for analyzing simulation log.


        time_config (TimingConfig): The timing configuration.

        log_path (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe containing the simulation log data.


    def __init__(


        time_config: TimingConfig,

        log_data: pd.DataFrame,


        self.time_config = time_config = log_data.copy()

        self._orig_data = log_data

        self._unit = "frame"


    def unit(self) -> str:

        return self._unit

    def save(self, path: str) -> None:


        Save the full analyzed data to a csv file.


        self._orig_data.to_csv(path, index=False)


    def load(time_config: TimingConfig, csv_path: str) -> DataAnalyzer:


        Create a DataAnalyzer object from a csv file containing experiment data,

        regardless whether if it's analyzed or not.


            time_config (TimingConfig): The timing configuration.

            csv_path (str): Path to the csv file containing the experiment data.


        data = pd.read_csv(csv_path)

        return DataAnalyzer(time_config, data)

    def initialize(self, period: int = 10):


        Initializes the data analyzer.

        It's essential to call this function if the class was created from a non-analyzed log data.


            period (int): The period for calculating speed in frames.

                The speed is calculated by measuring the distance between current frame and period frames before.


        data = self._orig_data

        data["time"] = data["frame"]

        data["cycle_step"] = data["frame"] % self.time_config.cycle_frame_num

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_centers(data)

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_speed(data, period)

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_worm_deviation(data)

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_errors(data)

        data = data.round(5)

        self._orig_data = data = self._orig_data.copy()


    def _calc_centers(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

        data["wrm_center_x"] = data["wrm_x"] + data["wrm_w"] / 2

        data["wrm_center_y"] = data["wrm_y"] + data["wrm_h"] / 2

        data["mic_center_x"] = data["mic_x"] + data["mic_w"] / 2

        data["mic_center_y"] = data["mic_y"] + data["mic_h"] / 2

        return data


    def _calc_speed(data: pd.DataFrame, n: int) -> pd.DataFrame:

        diff = data["time"].diff(n).to_numpy()

        data["wrm_speed_x"] = data["wrm_center_x"].diff(n) / diff

        data["wrm_speed_y"] = data["wrm_center_y"].diff(n) / diff

        data["wrm_speed"] = np.sqrt(data["wrm_speed_x"] ** 2 + data["wrm_speed_y"] ** 2)

        return data


    def _calc_worm_deviation(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

        data["worm_deviation_x"] = data["wrm_center_x"] - data["mic_center_x"]

        data["worm_deviation_y"] = data["wrm_center_y"] - data["mic_center_y"]

        data["worm_deviation"] = np.sqrt(data["worm_deviation_x"] ** 2 + data["worm_deviation_y"] ** 2)

        return data


    def _calc_errors(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

        wrm_bboxes = data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()

        mic_bboxes = data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]].to_numpy()

        bbox_error = ErrorCalculator.calculate_bbox_error(wrm_bboxes, mic_bboxes)

        data["bbox_error"] = bbox_error

        data["precise_error"] = np.nan

        return data

    def remove_cycle(self, cycles: int | list[int]):


        Remove the specified cycles from the data.


            cycles (int | list[int]): The cycle(s) to remove from the data.


        if isinstance(cycles, int):

            cycles = [cycles]

        mask =["cycle"].isin(cycles) =[~mask]

    def clean(


        trim_cycles: bool = False,

        imaging_only: bool = False,

        bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float] = None,

    ) -> None:


        Clean the data by the provided parameters.


            trim_cycles (bool): whether to remove the first and the last cycles from the data.

            imaging_only (bool): Flag indicating whether to include only imaging phases in the analysis.

            legal_bounds (tuple[float, float, float, float]): The legal bounds for worm movement.


        data =

        if imaging_only:

            mask = data["phase"] == "imaging"

            data = data[mask]

        if bounds is not None:

            has_pred = np.isfinite(data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()).all(axis=1)

            mask_wrm = has_pred  # if there is a prediction for a frame then look at worm bbox

            mask_wrm &= (data["wrm_x"] >= bounds[0]) & (data["wrm_x"] + data["wrm_w"] <= bounds[2])

            mask_wrm &= (data["wrm_y"] >= bounds[1]) & (data["wrm_y"] + data["wrm_h"] <= bounds[3])

            mask_mic = ~has_pred  # if there is no prediction for a frame then look at micro bbox

            mask_mic &= (data["mic_x"] >= bounds[0]) & (data["mic_x"] + data["mic_w"] <= bounds[2])

            mask_mic &= (data["mic_y"] >= bounds[1]) & (data["mic_y"] + data["mic_h"] <= bounds[3])

            data = data[mask_wrm | mask_mic]

        if trim_cycles:

            mask = data["cycle"] != 0

            mask &= data["cycle"] != data["cycle"].max()

            data = data[mask] = data

    def reset_changes(self):


        Reset the data to its original state.

        Note, that this method will not reset the unit of time and distance.

        """ = self._orig_data.copy()

        self._unit = "frame"

    def column_names(self) -> list[str]:


        Returns a list of all column names in the analyzed data.


            list[str]: A list of column names.



    def change_unit(self, unit: str):


        Changes the unit of time and distance in the data.


            unit (str, optional): The new unit of time to convert into. Can be "frame" or "sec".

                If "sec" is chosen, the time will be converted to seconds, and the distance metric is micrometer.

                If "frame" is chosen, the time will be in frames, and the distance metric is pixels.


        assert unit in ["frame", "sec"]

        if self._unit == unit:


        data =

        if unit == "sec":  # frame -> sec

            dist_factor = self.time_config.mm_per_px * 1000

            time_factor = self.time_config.ms_per_frame / 1000

        if unit == "frame":  # sec -> frame

            dist_factor = self.time_config.px_per_mm / 1000

            time_factor = self.time_config.frames_per_sec

        data["time"] *= time_factor

        data[["plt_x", "plt_y"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["cam_x", "cam_y", "cam_w", "cam_h"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["wrm_center_x", "wrm_center_y"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["mic_center_x", "mic_center_y"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["worm_deviation_x", "worm_deviation_y", "worm_deviation"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["wrm_speed_x", "wrm_speed_y", "wrm_speed"]] *= dist_factor / time_factor

        self._unit = unit = data

    # TODO: TEST

    # TODO: MAYBE REMOVE, THE non-multithreaded version works very fast for me for some reason

    # perhaps SSD is required for fast analysis.

    def calc_precise_error_experimental(


        worm_reader: FrameReader,

        background: np.ndarray,


        num_workers: int = None,

        chunk_size: int = 2000,

    ) -> None:


        Calculate the precise error between the worm and the microscope view.

        This error is segmentation based, and measures the proportion of worm's head that is

        outside of the view of the microscope. Note that this calculation might take a while.


            worm_reader (FrameReader): Images of the worm at each frame, cropped to the size of the bounding box

                which was detected around the worm.

            background (np.ndarray): The background image of the entire experiment.

            diff_thresh (int): Difference threshold to differentiate between the background and foreground.

                A foreground object is detected if the pixel value difference with the background is greater than this threshold.

            num_workers (int, optional): The number of workers to use for parallel processing.

                If None, the number of workers is determined automatically.

            chunk_size (int, optional): The size of each processing chunk.


        frames = self._orig_data["frame"].to_numpy().astype(int, copy=False)

        wrm_bboxes = self._orig_data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()

        mic_bboxes = self._orig_data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]].to_numpy()

        errors = np.ones_like(frames, dtype=float)

        mask = np.isfinite(wrm_bboxes).all(axis=1)

        wrm_bboxes = wrm_bboxes[mask]

        mic_bboxes = mic_bboxes[mask]

        frames = frames[mask]

        num_sections = len(frames) // chunk_size

        wrm_bboxes_list = np.array_split(wrm_bboxes, num_sections, axis=0)

        mic_bboxes_list = np.array_split(mic_bboxes, num_sections, axis=0)

        frames_list = np.array_split(frames, num_sections)

        # TODO: add non-multithreaded case whenever num_workers=0

        num_workers = adjust_num_workers(len(frames), chunk_size, num_workers)

        def calc_error(idx: int) -> np.ndarray:

            return ErrorCalculator.calculate_precise(








        results = concurrent.thread_map(





            desc="Extracting bboxes",




        # set the error in the original data

        errors[mask] = np.concatenate(results)

        self._orig_data["precise_error"] = errors

        # copy relevant error entries into the work data

        idx =["frame"].to_numpy(dtype=int, copy=False)["precise_error"] = errors[idx]

    def calc_precise_error(


        worm_reader: FrameReader,

        background: np.ndarray,


    ) -> None:


        Calculate the precise error between the worm and the microscope view.

        This error is segmentation based, and measures the proportion of worm's head that is

        outside of the view of the microscope. Note that this calculation might take a while.


            worm_reader (FrameReader): Images of the worm at each frame, cropped to the size of the bounding box

                which was detected around the worm.

            background (np.ndarray): The background image of the entire experiment.

            diff_thresh (int): Difference threshold to differentiate between the background and foreground.

                A foreground object is detected if the pixel value difference with the background is greater than this threshold.


        frames = self._orig_data["frame"].to_numpy().astype(np.int32, copy=False)

        wrm_bboxes = self._orig_data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()

        mic_bboxes = self._orig_data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]].to_numpy()

        errors = ErrorCalculator.calculate_precise(








        self._orig_data["precise_error"] = errors

        # copy relevant error entries into the work data

        idx =["frame"].to_numpy(dtype=int, copy=False)["precise_error"] = errors[idx]

    def calc_anomalies(


        no_preds: bool = True,

        min_bbox_error: float = np.inf,

        min_dist_error: float = np.inf,

        min_speed: float = np.inf,

        min_size: float = np.inf,

        remove_anomalies: bool = False,

    ) -> pd.DataFrame:


        Calculate anomalies in the data based on specified criteria.


            no_preds (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to consider instances with missing predictions.

            min_bbox_error (float, optional): Minimum bounding box error threshold to consider as anomaly.

            min_dist_error (float, optional): Minimum distance error threshold to consider as anomaly.

            min_speed (float, optional): Minimum speed threshold to consider as anomaly.

            min_size (float, optional): Minimum size threshold to consider as anomaly.

            remove_anomalies (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to remove the anomalies from the data.


            pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the anomalies found in the data.


        data =

        mask_speed = data["wrm_speed"] >= min_speed

        mask_bbox_error = data["bbox_error"] >= min_bbox_error

        mask_dist_error = data["worm_deviation"] >= min_dist_error

        mask_worm_width = data["wrm_w"] >= min_size

        mask_worm_height = data["wrm_h"] >= min_size

        mask_no_preds = np.isfinite(data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()).all(axis=1) == False

        mask_no_preds = no_preds & mask_no_preds

        mask = mask_speed | mask_bbox_error | mask_dist_error | mask_worm_width | mask_worm_height | mask_no_preds

        anomalies = data[mask].copy()

        anomalies["speed_anomaly"] = mask_speed[mask]

        anomalies["bbox_error_anomaly"] = mask_bbox_error[mask]

        anomalies["dist_error_anomaly"] = mask_dist_error[mask]

        anomalies["width_anomaly"] = mask_worm_width[mask]

        anomalies["height_anomaly"] = mask_worm_height[mask]

        anomalies["no_pred_anomaly"] = mask_no_preds[mask]

        if remove_anomalies:


        return anomalies

    def describe(self, columns: list[str] = None, num: int = 3, percentiles: list[float] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:


        Generate descriptive statistics of the specified columns in the table containing the data.


            columns (list[str], optional): List of column names to include in the analysis. If None, all columns will be included.

            num (int, optional): Number of evenly spaced percentiles to include in the analysis. If percentiles is not None, this parameter is ignored.

            percentiles (list[float], optional): List of specific percentiles to include in the analysis. If None, evenly spaced percentiles will be used.


            pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the descriptive statistics of the specified columns.


        if columns is None:

            columns = self.column_names()

        if percentiles is None:

            percentiles = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1.0, num=num + 2)[1:-1]


    def print_stats(self) -> None:


        Prints various statistics related to the data.

        This method calculates and prints the following statistics:

        - Count of Removed Frames: The number of frames that were removed from the original data.

        - Total Count of No Pred Frames: The number of frames where the predictions are missing.

        - Total Num of Cycles: The number of unique cycles in the data.

        - Non Perfect Predictions: The percentage of predictions that are not perfect.


        num_removed = len(self._orig_data.index) - len(

        print(f"Count of Removed Frames: {num_removed} ({round(100 * num_removed / len(self._orig_data.index), 3)}%)")

        no_preds =[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].isna().any(axis=1).sum()

        print(f"Count of No-Pred Frames: {no_preds} ({round(100 * no_preds / len(, 3)}%)")

        num_cycles =["cycle"].nunique()

        print(f"Total Num of Cycles: {num_cycles}")

        non_perfect = (["bbox_error"] > 1e-7).sum() / len(

        print(f"Non Perfect Predictions: {round(100 * non_perfect, 3)}%")

Static methods


def load(
    time_config: 'TimingConfig',
    csv_path: 'str'
) -> 'DataAnalyzer'

Create a DataAnalyzer object from a csv file containing experiment data,

regardless whether if it's analyzed or not.


Name Type Description Default
time_config TimingConfig The timing configuration. None
csv_path str Path to the csv file containing the experiment data. None
View Source

    def load(time_config: TimingConfig, csv_path: str) -> DataAnalyzer:


        Create a DataAnalyzer object from a csv file containing experiment data,

        regardless whether if it's analyzed or not.


            time_config (TimingConfig): The timing configuration.

            csv_path (str): Path to the csv file containing the experiment data.


        data = pd.read_csv(csv_path)

        return DataAnalyzer(time_config, data)

Instance variables




def calc_anomalies(
    no_preds: 'bool' = True,
    min_bbox_error: 'float' = inf,
    min_dist_error: 'float' = inf,
    min_speed: 'float' = inf,
    min_size: 'float' = inf,
    remove_anomalies: 'bool' = False
) -> 'pd.DataFrame'

Calculate anomalies in the data based on specified criteria.


Name Type Description Default
no_preds bool Flag indicating whether to consider instances with missing predictions. None
min_bbox_error float Minimum bounding box error threshold to consider as anomaly. None
min_dist_error float Minimum distance error threshold to consider as anomaly. None
min_speed float Minimum speed threshold to consider as anomaly. None
min_size float Minimum size threshold to consider as anomaly. None
remove_anomalies bool Flag indicating whether to remove the anomalies from the data. None


Type Description
pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing the anomalies found in the data.
View Source
    def calc_anomalies(


        no_preds: bool = True,

        min_bbox_error: float = np.inf,

        min_dist_error: float = np.inf,

        min_speed: float = np.inf,

        min_size: float = np.inf,

        remove_anomalies: bool = False,

    ) -> pd.DataFrame:


        Calculate anomalies in the data based on specified criteria.


            no_preds (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to consider instances with missing predictions.

            min_bbox_error (float, optional): Minimum bounding box error threshold to consider as anomaly.

            min_dist_error (float, optional): Minimum distance error threshold to consider as anomaly.

            min_speed (float, optional): Minimum speed threshold to consider as anomaly.

            min_size (float, optional): Minimum size threshold to consider as anomaly.

            remove_anomalies (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to remove the anomalies from the data.


            pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the anomalies found in the data.


        data =

        mask_speed = data["wrm_speed"] >= min_speed

        mask_bbox_error = data["bbox_error"] >= min_bbox_error

        mask_dist_error = data["worm_deviation"] >= min_dist_error

        mask_worm_width = data["wrm_w"] >= min_size

        mask_worm_height = data["wrm_h"] >= min_size

        mask_no_preds = np.isfinite(data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()).all(axis=1) == False

        mask_no_preds = no_preds & mask_no_preds

        mask = mask_speed | mask_bbox_error | mask_dist_error | mask_worm_width | mask_worm_height | mask_no_preds

        anomalies = data[mask].copy()

        anomalies["speed_anomaly"] = mask_speed[mask]

        anomalies["bbox_error_anomaly"] = mask_bbox_error[mask]

        anomalies["dist_error_anomaly"] = mask_dist_error[mask]

        anomalies["width_anomaly"] = mask_worm_width[mask]

        anomalies["height_anomaly"] = mask_worm_height[mask]

        anomalies["no_pred_anomaly"] = mask_no_preds[mask]

        if remove_anomalies:


        return anomalies


def calc_precise_error(
    worm_reader: 'FrameReader',
    background: 'np.ndarray',
) -> 'None'

Calculate the precise error between the worm and the microscope view.

This error is segmentation based, and measures the proportion of worm's head that is outside of the view of the microscope. Note that this calculation might take a while.


Name Type Description Default
worm_reader FrameReader Images of the worm at each frame, cropped to the size of the bounding box
which was detected around the worm.
background np.ndarray The background image of the entire experiment. None
diff_thresh int Difference threshold to differentiate between the background and foreground.
A foreground object is detected if the pixel value difference with the background is greater than this threshold.
View Source
    def calc_precise_error(


        worm_reader: FrameReader,

        background: np.ndarray,


    ) -> None:


        Calculate the precise error between the worm and the microscope view.

        This error is segmentation based, and measures the proportion of worm's head that is

        outside of the view of the microscope. Note that this calculation might take a while.


            worm_reader (FrameReader): Images of the worm at each frame, cropped to the size of the bounding box

                which was detected around the worm.

            background (np.ndarray): The background image of the entire experiment.

            diff_thresh (int): Difference threshold to differentiate between the background and foreground.

                A foreground object is detected if the pixel value difference with the background is greater than this threshold.


        frames = self._orig_data["frame"].to_numpy().astype(np.int32, copy=False)

        wrm_bboxes = self._orig_data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()

        mic_bboxes = self._orig_data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]].to_numpy()

        errors = ErrorCalculator.calculate_precise(








        self._orig_data["precise_error"] = errors

        # copy relevant error entries into the work data

        idx =["frame"].to_numpy(dtype=int, copy=False)["precise_error"] = errors[idx]


def calc_precise_error_experimental(
    worm_reader: 'FrameReader',
    background: 'np.ndarray',
    num_workers: 'int' = None,
    chunk_size: 'int' = 2000
) -> 'None'

Calculate the precise error between the worm and the microscope view.

This error is segmentation based, and measures the proportion of worm's head that is outside of the view of the microscope. Note that this calculation might take a while.


Name Type Description Default
worm_reader FrameReader Images of the worm at each frame, cropped to the size of the bounding box
which was detected around the worm.
background np.ndarray The background image of the entire experiment. None
diff_thresh int Difference threshold to differentiate between the background and foreground.
A foreground object is detected if the pixel value difference with the background is greater than this threshold.
num_workers int The number of workers to use for parallel processing.
If None, the number of workers is determined automatically.
chunk_size int The size of each processing chunk. None
View Source
    def calc_precise_error_experimental(


        worm_reader: FrameReader,

        background: np.ndarray,


        num_workers: int = None,

        chunk_size: int = 2000,

    ) -> None:


        Calculate the precise error between the worm and the microscope view.

        This error is segmentation based, and measures the proportion of worm's head that is

        outside of the view of the microscope. Note that this calculation might take a while.


            worm_reader (FrameReader): Images of the worm at each frame, cropped to the size of the bounding box

                which was detected around the worm.

            background (np.ndarray): The background image of the entire experiment.

            diff_thresh (int): Difference threshold to differentiate between the background and foreground.

                A foreground object is detected if the pixel value difference with the background is greater than this threshold.

            num_workers (int, optional): The number of workers to use for parallel processing.

                If None, the number of workers is determined automatically.

            chunk_size (int, optional): The size of each processing chunk.


        frames = self._orig_data["frame"].to_numpy().astype(int, copy=False)

        wrm_bboxes = self._orig_data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()

        mic_bboxes = self._orig_data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]].to_numpy()

        errors = np.ones_like(frames, dtype=float)

        mask = np.isfinite(wrm_bboxes).all(axis=1)

        wrm_bboxes = wrm_bboxes[mask]

        mic_bboxes = mic_bboxes[mask]

        frames = frames[mask]

        num_sections = len(frames) // chunk_size

        wrm_bboxes_list = np.array_split(wrm_bboxes, num_sections, axis=0)

        mic_bboxes_list = np.array_split(mic_bboxes, num_sections, axis=0)

        frames_list = np.array_split(frames, num_sections)

        # TODO: add non-multithreaded case whenever num_workers=0

        num_workers = adjust_num_workers(len(frames), chunk_size, num_workers)

        def calc_error(idx: int) -> np.ndarray:

            return ErrorCalculator.calculate_precise(








        results = concurrent.thread_map(





            desc="Extracting bboxes",




        # set the error in the original data

        errors[mask] = np.concatenate(results)

        self._orig_data["precise_error"] = errors

        # copy relevant error entries into the work data

        idx =["frame"].to_numpy(dtype=int, copy=False)["precise_error"] = errors[idx]


def change_unit(
    unit: 'str'

Changes the unit of time and distance in the data.


Name Type Description Default
unit str The new unit of time to convert into. Can be "frame" or "sec".
If "sec" is chosen, the time will be converted to seconds, and the distance metric is micrometer.
If "frame" is chosen, the time will be in frames, and the distance metric is pixels.
View Source
    def change_unit(self, unit: str):


        Changes the unit of time and distance in the data.


            unit (str, optional): The new unit of time to convert into. Can be "frame" or "sec".

                If "sec" is chosen, the time will be converted to seconds, and the distance metric is micrometer.

                If "frame" is chosen, the time will be in frames, and the distance metric is pixels.


        assert unit in ["frame", "sec"]

        if self._unit == unit:


        data =

        if unit == "sec":  # frame -> sec

            dist_factor = self.time_config.mm_per_px * 1000

            time_factor = self.time_config.ms_per_frame / 1000

        if unit == "frame":  # sec -> frame

            dist_factor = self.time_config.px_per_mm / 1000

            time_factor = self.time_config.frames_per_sec

        data["time"] *= time_factor

        data[["plt_x", "plt_y"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["mic_x", "mic_y", "mic_w", "mic_h"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["cam_x", "cam_y", "cam_w", "cam_h"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["wrm_center_x", "wrm_center_y"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["mic_center_x", "mic_center_y"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["worm_deviation_x", "worm_deviation_y", "worm_deviation"]] *= dist_factor

        data[["wrm_speed_x", "wrm_speed_y", "wrm_speed"]] *= dist_factor / time_factor

        self._unit = unit = data


def clean(
    trim_cycles: 'bool' = False,
    imaging_only: 'bool' = False,
    bounds: 'tuple[float, float, float, float]' = None
) -> 'None'

Clean the data by the provided parameters.


Name Type Description Default
trim_cycles bool whether to remove the first and the last cycles from the data. None
imaging_only bool Flag indicating whether to include only imaging phases in the analysis. None
legal_bounds tuple[float, float, float, float] The legal bounds for worm movement. None
View Source
    def clean(


        trim_cycles: bool = False,

        imaging_only: bool = False,

        bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float] = None,

    ) -> None:


        Clean the data by the provided parameters.


            trim_cycles (bool): whether to remove the first and the last cycles from the data.

            imaging_only (bool): Flag indicating whether to include only imaging phases in the analysis.

            legal_bounds (tuple[float, float, float, float]): The legal bounds for worm movement.


        data =

        if imaging_only:

            mask = data["phase"] == "imaging"

            data = data[mask]

        if bounds is not None:

            has_pred = np.isfinite(data[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].to_numpy()).all(axis=1)

            mask_wrm = has_pred  # if there is a prediction for a frame then look at worm bbox

            mask_wrm &= (data["wrm_x"] >= bounds[0]) & (data["wrm_x"] + data["wrm_w"] <= bounds[2])

            mask_wrm &= (data["wrm_y"] >= bounds[1]) & (data["wrm_y"] + data["wrm_h"] <= bounds[3])

            mask_mic = ~has_pred  # if there is no prediction for a frame then look at micro bbox

            mask_mic &= (data["mic_x"] >= bounds[0]) & (data["mic_x"] + data["mic_w"] <= bounds[2])

            mask_mic &= (data["mic_y"] >= bounds[1]) & (data["mic_y"] + data["mic_h"] <= bounds[3])

            data = data[mask_wrm | mask_mic]

        if trim_cycles:

            mask = data["cycle"] != 0

            mask &= data["cycle"] != data["cycle"].max()

            data = data[mask] = data


def column_names(
) -> 'list[str]'

Returns a list of all column names in the analyzed data.


Type Description
list[str] A list of column names.
View Source
    def column_names(self) -> list[str]:


        Returns a list of all column names in the analyzed data.


            list[str]: A list of column names.




def describe(
    columns: 'list[str]' = None,
    num: 'int' = 3,
    percentiles: 'list[float]' = None
) -> 'pd.DataFrame'

Generate descriptive statistics of the specified columns in the table containing the data.


Name Type Description Default
columns list[str] List of column names to include in the analysis. If None, all columns will be included. None
num int Number of evenly spaced percentiles to include in the analysis. If percentiles is not None, this parameter is ignored. None
percentiles list[float] List of specific percentiles to include in the analysis. If None, evenly spaced percentiles will be used. None


Type Description
pd.DataFrame A DataFrame containing the descriptive statistics of the specified columns.
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    def describe(self, columns: list[str] = None, num: int = 3, percentiles: list[float] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:


        Generate descriptive statistics of the specified columns in the table containing the data.


            columns (list[str], optional): List of column names to include in the analysis. If None, all columns will be included.

            num (int, optional): Number of evenly spaced percentiles to include in the analysis. If percentiles is not None, this parameter is ignored.

            percentiles (list[float], optional): List of specific percentiles to include in the analysis. If None, evenly spaced percentiles will be used.


            pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the descriptive statistics of the specified columns.


        if columns is None:

            columns = self.column_names()

        if percentiles is None:

            percentiles = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1.0, num=num + 2)[1:-1]



def initialize(
    period: 'int' = 10

Initializes the data analyzer.

It's essential to call this function if the class was created from a non-analyzed log data.


Name Type Description Default
period int The period for calculating speed in frames.
The speed is calculated by measuring the distance between current frame and period frames before.
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    def initialize(self, period: int = 10):


        Initializes the data analyzer.

        It's essential to call this function if the class was created from a non-analyzed log data.


            period (int): The period for calculating speed in frames.

                The speed is calculated by measuring the distance between current frame and period frames before.


        data = self._orig_data

        data["time"] = data["frame"]

        data["cycle_step"] = data["frame"] % self.time_config.cycle_frame_num

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_centers(data)

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_speed(data, period)

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_worm_deviation(data)

        data = DataAnalyzer._calc_errors(data)

        data = data.round(5)

        self._orig_data = data = self._orig_data.copy()
def print_stats(
) -> 'None'

Prints various statistics related to the data.

This method calculates and prints the following statistics: - Count of Removed Frames: The number of frames that were removed from the original data. - Total Count of No Pred Frames: The number of frames where the predictions are missing. - Total Num of Cycles: The number of unique cycles in the data. - Non Perfect Predictions: The percentage of predictions that are not perfect.

View Source
    def print_stats(self) -> None:


        Prints various statistics related to the data.

        This method calculates and prints the following statistics:

        - Count of Removed Frames: The number of frames that were removed from the original data.

        - Total Count of No Pred Frames: The number of frames where the predictions are missing.

        - Total Num of Cycles: The number of unique cycles in the data.

        - Non Perfect Predictions: The percentage of predictions that are not perfect.


        num_removed = len(self._orig_data.index) - len(

        print(f"Count of Removed Frames: {num_removed} ({round(100 * num_removed / len(self._orig_data.index), 3)}%)")

        no_preds =[["wrm_x", "wrm_y", "wrm_w", "wrm_h"]].isna().any(axis=1).sum()

        print(f"Count of No-Pred Frames: {no_preds} ({round(100 * no_preds / len(, 3)}%)")

        num_cycles =["cycle"].nunique()

        print(f"Total Num of Cycles: {num_cycles}")

        non_perfect = (["bbox_error"] > 1e-7).sum() / len(

        print(f"Non Perfect Predictions: {round(100 * non_perfect, 3)}%")


def remove_cycle(
    cycles: 'int | list[int]'

Remove the specified cycles from the data.


Name Type Description Default
cycles int list[int] The cycle(s) to remove from the data.
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    def remove_cycle(self, cycles: int | list[int]):


        Remove the specified cycles from the data.


            cycles (int | list[int]): The cycle(s) to remove from the data.


        if isinstance(cycles, int):

            cycles = [cycles]

        mask =["cycle"].isin(cycles) =[~mask]


def reset_changes(

Reset the data to its original state.

Note, that this method will not reset the unit of time and distance.

View Source
    def reset_changes(self):


        Reset the data to its original state.

        Note, that this method will not reset the unit of time and distance.

        """ = self._orig_data.copy()

        self._unit = "frame"


def save(
    path: 'str'
) -> 'None'

Save the full analyzed data to a csv file.

View Source
    def save(self, path: str) -> None:


        Save the full analyzed data to a csv file.


        self._orig_data.to_csv(path, index=False)